Saturday 09 Nov, 2024

Starting at 9:00 AM

Eidra, Grev Turegatan 1, 114 46 Stockholm


56k Digital

We are currently 28 consultants working with tailor-made and data-driven strategies within Digital Marketing, Analytics & Insights, Technology and Strategy. Early on, we managed to get a really senior team together. Today, 40% of us have worked in the industry for 8+ years and 70% for more than 4+ years. 

Our aim is to be the best in the industry and not the biggest, by being disruptive and delivering top class results for our clients. To be the best we believe in building a technical marketing agency since digital marketing is becoming more technical every year. Today we are flooded with the number of data sources and need to stitch together the data to automate insights, make smarter decisions and save time. This is why we have developers and encourage our consultants to learn Python and JavaScript.

As an agency we do not have any growth goals – never have and never will. Why? Simply because having a revenue goal will force you to bring in clients you might not want to work with. It will also force you to make compromises with recruitment since you need to fill the client hours. Once you are in this spiral you are compromising on quality. 

We are proud of what we do and would rather say no to new business. Doing outstanding deliveries for our clients and creating a great place to work will always be our top priority. We really love what we do and will never compromise on quality. 

